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A House on A Rock

January 31, 2023
Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.

Call me strange, but I love to watch a foundation being poured. Being the first tangible evidence of a new home, the foundation serves as a long-awaited exclamation point, a bold symbol signaling the start of the actual construction journey. Putting my enthusiasm aside for a moment, though, let me tell you why the foundation pour also happens to be one of the most important steps in building a home. 

Consider that a foundation’s major function is to support the load of the entire home. A sound foundation keeps a home standing strong while the forces of mother nature—including heavy precipitation and strong winds—attempt to weaken it.

That's why Joseph Creek Homes takes this milestone seriously. We commission foundations of the highest quality—poured by trusted tradesmen and engineered to last for decades—to provide safety and security for homeowners. Our multi-step quality assurance process begins with a solid structural design, includes a thorough study of the slab's location, a review of the integrity of the materials used, and a post-pour inspection.  

Contact me if you have any questions about our foundations or any other aspect of our construction process. You may just catch me on site at the next pour!

Did you know?

Some important considerations for ensuring a quality home foundation include:

  1. Proper site preparation: The soil and ground must be properly prepared before the foundation is poured to ensure a stable base.
  2. Proper drainage: Adequate drainage systems must be in place to prevent water from accumulating around the foundation and causing damage.
  3. Quality materials: The foundation should be made of quality materials that are suitable for the local climate and soil conditions.
  4. Proper design: The foundation must be designed for the soil on which it resides, to meet local building codes and to support the weight of the structure.
  5. Skilled labor: The foundation should be built by skilled and experienced professionals who follow industry standards and best practices.
  6. Inspection: Post-pour inspection to ensure that the foundation is properly poured and that any issues are addressed in a timely manner.